Peer Review Policy

Submission and Initial Screening

  • All manuscripts submitted to the journal will undergo an initial screening by the editorial team to ensure they meet the journal's scope and basic quality standards.

Blind Peer Review Process

  • Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will be assigned to at least two independent peer reviewers.
  • The review process is double-blind, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field.

Review Criteria

  • Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:
    • Originality and significance of the research
    • Clarity and coherence of the presentation
    • Methodological rigor
    • Relevance to the journal's scope
    • Contribution to the field

Reviewer's Recommendations

  • Reviewers will provide one of the following recommendations:
    • Accept without revisions
    • Accept with minor revisions
    • Revise and resubmit
    • Reject

Editorial Decision

  • The editor will consider the reviewers' recommendations and make the final decision on the manuscript.
  • The editor may seek additional reviews if necessary.
  • Authors will be notified of the decision along with the reviewers' comments.


  • All submitted manuscripts and review reports are treated as confidential documents.
  • Reviewers and editors must not disclose any information about a manuscript to anyone other than the authors and reviewers involved in the process.

Conflict of Interest

  • Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if necessary.
  • Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in their submission.

Appeals and Complaints

  • Authors who wish to appeal a decision or file a complaint should contact the editor-in-chief with a detailed explanation.
  • Contact the editor-in-chief at
  • The editor-in-chief will review the appeal or complaint and make a final decision.
A SIVIO Institute Initiative
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Copyright © 2025 SIVIO Institute

Peer Review Policy